Thursday, February 24, 2011

A lesson from Mr. Squirrel

So I wrote this blog on MLK day. I forgot to publish it, but better late than never!...oh and my "hair doctor" was sick herself today, so I didn't get a new do...but I will soon! Hope you're feeling better, Mrs. Patsy! :) 

Today started as any typical non-school day. Slept until I felt like getting up, ate breakfast, showered, and got ready for lunch with my significant other and his parents.

11AM: As I was getting ready for the day ahead, our power went out. Awesome. At least my hair was dry already! It was out for about 10 minutes before it came back on...for 30 seconds. Then off again. By that time, I was ready so I just left and headed to lunch.

2:30 PM.Both my parents sent me a text and asked if the power was out when I left. Obviously that meant it was still out at the house...that's no good.

5:15 PM. I go home to get something and the power is still out. I called mom, and she said she was on the case.

7:30 PM. Not only do we not have power, but we're the only ones on the street without power! How did this happen?!

One word.


Apparently around 11 AM, Mr. Squirrel was shocked when ran into the transformer. (ha...thank you, WW, for that one :)) Talk about being scared to death! Poor squirrel.

I did get a life lesson out of all this. I've gotten so used to power in the house, I didn't know what to do without it. I couldn't get online, or even my computer because I didn't have a way to charge it. I couldn't play piano because I didn't have a lamp to see the keys. Without electricity, it was VERY dark in the house.

The verse "Be still and know that I am God" came to mind. Sometimes we need to be interupted and stripped of the normalcies of life so that we can just sit. No agenda, no ways to distract ourselves, nowhere to turn. It forced/allowed Mom, Dad, and I to sit in the living room with no computers, no TV, no distractions. Just a crackling fire, candles, and family.

The power came on after 15 minutes of sitting by the fire, and soon life was back to normal. However, it was a great reminder to take life slower and savor the moments that we so often forget about.

Dear Mr. Squirrel, I'm sorry it had to end this way...but thank you for sacrificing your life so that I might learn a life lesson. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hair I go again....

I remember when I was in middle school, my brother and I would tease my mom that we could determine the what year pictures of her were taken by her hair. She changed her hair all the time. Perm and really short, straight and medium short, perm and medium get the picture. Not to mention the was typically the same but there was a short period when she added some highlights to it. Her hair always looked good! She just liked to change it up.

And I'm realizing something.

I'm just like her.

Since 9th grade about 8 years ago, my body has changed a little, my face has changed a little, my clothes/style have changed a little, but my hair? It's changed ALOT...and often. I haven't changed my color (yet...I am noticing a LOT of grey though), but I, just like my mom, have had several different cuts. 
6th grade-short
(reminder:looking at the hair...not the rest)

7th grade-longer

8th grade-shortish

9th grade-longish

10th grade-shorter

11th grade-shorter

still 11th grade-even shorter

12th grade-super short...

That was through middle and high school years. Let's take a gander at college years...

I need a haircut...(2007)
Same day...After a much needed haircut

summer 2008- short short but easy to do

Spring 2009
Summer 2009...I thought my hair was so long...I got my hair cut 5 times that summer
Fall 2009
 Several times I decided to "grow my hair out"...but I always cut it off again. However, this last time I said I would grow my hair out, I was more determined than ever. I want to prove to all those friends that say "I'll believe it when I see it" that I WILL grow out my hair! :) That is said with the most lighthearted determination by the way...

This is December 2010...and almost as long as I've ever had it...
Why am I telling you all this, you ask? Well...I haven't had a haircut in almost 4 months. Last week, I found a piece of my hair that had split ends with split ends. NOT GOOD. So I have an appointment tomorrow with my hair doctor. In the past, when I've said that I'm growing out my hair and I go for a trim, I end up saying "Just do whatever. You can chop it off. I need something different." This time, however, I will remember that I want to grow it out.

Tomorrow I will post a before and after picture to show that I haven't gone short again...mostly just to hold myself accountable :)

I will not get my hair chopped off, I will not get my hair chopped off, I will not get my hair chopped off...

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

To DIY or not to DIY

I have quite a dilemma these days. What is it, you ask?

To DIY or not to DIY...that is the question.

For those of you who may not know, DIY is Do It Yourself. In the realm of weddings, there are so many creative ideas, tutorials, articles, and magazines devoted to those who enjoy DIYing (or DIT...Doing It Themselves). Being the craft lover that I am, I get sucked in. I want to DIY (or DIM...Do It Myself). But the question is how much is too much? How many things should I decided to DIY (DIM)?

I love craft projects, but I'm guilty of over committing myself to projects and hobbies. I think that I can do it all myself. I have a hard time using that handy tactic that I learned in 5th grade-"Just Say No". In attempting to plan a budget friendly wedding, it's ESPECIALLY hard to say "no" to the money saving crafts. Can't you see my dilemma?

There are several things I'm contemplating DIY...DIMing...Doing myself...whatever. Right now, invitations are on the top of my "maybe I should DIY (DIM)" list. We shall see.

So do I DIM? or do I let someone else DIT and pay them for it? Such a predicament.

Here was my latest DIY (DIM) project! It comes with a tutorial as well.


You will need:
  • 1 plain, boring, simple pair of pumps
  • 1 brooch that you've had for 2 years
  • lots of prayer that someone is selling the exact same brooch on ebay

First buy the plain shoes.
Find a brooch that fits perfectly.

Pray for and buy the matching brooch on eBay.
Voila! Super fun wedding shoes!   

 Pardon me while I prop up my feet...:)