Wednesday, December 01, 2010

First Engagement Festivities

After Wesley and I got engaged on Friday, our sweet friends John and Emily asked if they could throw us a party. How can you turn down a party?! Of course, we said yes. They invited our close friends, and it wasn't a surprise, but nobody mentioned anything to me about coming, so I wasn't expecting about 90% of the people that came. It made the non-surprising party a pleasant surprise. :)  The following are pics documenting the fun night of engagement party-ing...
The cute set up
the engaged girls...

Very different rings for different personalities

Sweet home and school friends

We're actually engaged at the same time! (for a few weeks :))

Reenactment of the proposal
At TCBY with J and E after we got back into town...very sleepy, but happy to be engaged :)

Thank you again for everyone who has made this time special for us! We're excited about what is to come.

1 comment:

Emily B said...

Love this blog! You guys are wonderful blessings!