Tuesday, November 06, 2007

So today has been a great day! and it's only 10 35! See I got in bed at 10 15 last night, which is a record for me for sure. I slept until 8 30, took a shower, got ready, and was about to walk out the door when I decided I didn't want to go to class. It's theory lab, I don't think I'll miss too much. If I do oh well, I got a chance to chill a little today. I've just been reading, studying, writing, blogging, etc. It's pretty awesome. But don't worry, I won't make a habit out of it.

I'm pretty excited about this Friday! See, I haven't seen my best friend Caitlin Marie Shepherd since before school started, and I'm having serious withdraws! I'm supposed to meet her at the fair on Friday and I can not wait! I love her and miss her very much... =( We've been best buds since like 3rd grade and we've never had a fight. I know I can depend on to be there for me when I need somebody to talk to, or if I ever need anything at all. She's a ray of sunshine and I love being around her. She's not afraid to tell me what she thinks about anything, and I absolutely love that. Her opinion is very important to me, especially on the subject of guys. =) luckily she likes Wesley Wells! Anywho, I just can't wait to see her!! I couldn't ask for a better Bee Eff Eff.

So as a started this week yesterday, I thought it was going to be a stinkin' drag. But God has definitely shown me that I need to trust Him and that deciding how I think my week is going to turn out within the first few hours of that week is stupid. He knows all, and I know nothing. HE's basically amazing, and He has blessed me beyond comprehension. The week is only as bad as I let it be, or imagine it to be!

Have a blessed day!

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