Thursday, June 02, 2011

A Most Momentous Day Off...

Aren't days off wonderful? Because I work in "Retail Land", my off days are not the rest of the world's off days. This week, my off days fell on Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday, I was oh so productive. Today I was oh so not as productive. 

What'd I do?

I tested my skills as a beach bum. I'm thinking about going into it professionally, but I'm still seeking the Lord about that. Today wasn't just any beach day, though. It was quite the momentous beach day. My best friend Caitlin and I had a beach day. "Why is that so exciting?" you ask. Well, we've been able to drive without an adult in the car for almost 7 years. Today was the very first time we ever went to the beach ALONE. (GASP)

Each summer, we've talked about taking a road trip down to Panama City Beach and bumming it on the beach for a day. However, for whatever reason, we never have been able to do it. I've been to the beach with her family, and she's been to the beach with mine, but we've never gone just the two of us. Today, we overcame those obstacles. We dominated the beach. 

It was perfect weather, perfect water, perfect company. Overall a great day. We're both a little red. Well I'm red. She's brown with a touch of maroon. But our wait was well worth it. We may or may not be planning another trip next week...:) 

In other news, I read the daily devotion for Proverbs 31 Ministries when I got home tonight. A few weeks ago when I posted Fearlessly Fearing Less, my thoughts had been sparked by this daily devotion that I get. Today, I'm encouraged and once again amazed at God's timing. He always gives us the right things to hear at the right times. Why do I ever have doubt that he'll show us the right thing to do at the right time?

This was the opening paragraph

“Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7 (NIV)
We all have those times in life where we wish the voice of God would audibly speak so loudly there’s no way we could miss it, “THIS IS THE DIRECTION I WANT YOU TO GO.” Then we’d know whether to stay the course or quit and head off in a new direction.
Have you ever wished for this kind of certainty?
I have.
We want to know what to do.

As you can imagine, I was sucked in. As I was reading the opening sentences, I kept thinking "Yes. Yes. That's me. Yes I do wish for that." (Since I learned in high school that the introductory paragraph gets the attention of your audience, I'd say this author gets an A+ from me...for whatever that's worth.) 

I encourage you to read the rest of Lysa TerKeurst's devotion if you have a couple minutes. It was a great encouragement to me and a great reminder to cast my worries, anxieties, and burdens on the Lord so that I may be at rest. 

Praise God for beach days and the right words at the right time. 

I'm off to aloe up...until next time, my friends!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

this post is beautiful, as is your entire blog. glad i found it.